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All Rights Reserved | Company Registration Number: T13LL1151F

MTM Services

No matter what size, we offer personal attention to every aspect of your event, from concept development and logistics to event production and event execution. Clients may hire to handle a specific scope of services for the given event, which at its maximum may include all creative, technical and logistical elements of the event. Or just a subset of these, depending on the client’s needs, expertise and budget. Tell us your challenge and we will do the rest.

Event Production

Event management is the application of project management to the creation and development of large scale events such as festivals,conferences, ceremonies,weddings, formal parties, concerts,or conventions.

Technical & Logistics

Technical production & loggistics.Once a client engages us we believe we should be the contact for all event technical requirements.Audio Vishal & Lighting System.Photography Service,games & Food Stalls,Stage & Show Effects.


Trends in entertainment for special events,including bands,Proprietary Kids Activities, Outdoor/Indoor Mega Games,Show Choreographer & Producer, Stage interactive Games,Talents Management.

Gifts & Premiums

This event providesan unrivalled oppertunity to network with trade professionals who are interested to discover the latest products and innovations or launch new gifting ideas into the market.