Why Corporate Are Paying More Attention Towards Event Promotion in 2020?

In 2020, it’s totally different how the corporates prefer to do business. It’s not a smart choice anymore to blast a target customer’s phone record with hundreds of phone calls or spending a sizeable chunk of investment in printing business promotion cards and invites just for them to end up in the trashcan. The corporate believes in working smarter, not harder, and expects the same from its corporate events Singapore
So when it comes to hosting a brand event, either a product launch or just a success party of sorts, it’s natural that they want to capitalize on the occasion and wish to attract as many eyes onto their brand as they can. For this, a number of techniques might be employed, but none of them come closer to “Online Event Promotion” techniques in terms of generating that widespread buzz. While the concept of event promotion itself has been in existence for decades, the manner in which corporates go about doing so has changed drastically in 2020. So in this piece, we are going to get you familiar with this concept of event promotion so that you may be able to reveal your expert marketing tactics to the upper hierarchy within your company and perhaps ask for a promotion yourself while doing the same for the event in question.
# What Is Event promotion?
In simple terms, Event promotion is simply a marketing strategy that revolves around exhibiting, displaying, presenting to showcase your company’s product, services or special offers. This means that whatever steps you may take in order to attract more eyes to your company’s event can be termed as a marketing tactic. Now it’s easy to see why some Hollywood stars believe in spurring a controversial wind during or before the release of their next big blockbuster.
But you should definitely shy away from adopting the aforementioned tactic where” every promotion is a good promotion.”. That is nowhere close to being the truth for corporates where bad reputation caused by dodgy event promotion tactics will likely cost your company dearly, and cost you your job.
With that said, event promotion can be carried out using the means of email marketing, SMSs, automated phone calls, social media posts, online customer engagement, chatbots, etc. Always remember that Event Promotion is all about making sure that when the big occasion does arrive, actual customers are also present at the venue and not just the corporate upper management with their family and friends.
# Benefits of Event Promotion for corporates:-
Customer Interaction: There’s nothing more your customers love than knowing that you actually care. Even when a target customer gets to know about your brand for the first time, it’s crucial to offer them the best first impression.
Being able to interact with your customers via event promotion (on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc) is a bulletproof marketing tactic in terms of ensuring better bonding and customer retention. You need to stay fresh in your customer’s memories and event promotion allows helps you in that pursuit.
Leads Growth: Through event promotion using social media platforms, you can post company and event info on your wall, thereby bringing more eyes towards your brand. Naturally, it also presents the opportunity to grab their attention further by letting them know about the amazing products/services you have to offer, thereby standing a chance to acquire much higher leads.
Brand Awareness: Events are a great way to get customers and prospects to discover you. Any product launch will present a golden opportunity to market that service to newer audiences.
Prospects who’ve never heard about your business before suddenly get to know about “this huge company organizing this huge event in their hometown”, and all of a sudden they get enticed to know more about it. If they like what they see, many of them would consider trying out your service in the future. It all became possible because of promoting the event admirably.
Event promotion in many ways is a foolproof marketing tactic, but only when the personnel handling the business on your behalf know what they’re doing. Also, even if you’re able to attract good numbers to your corporate event, actually retaining, entertaining, and alluring them during the night needs the involvement of professional event planners.
At MTM Events, we have you covered in both the regard. Retaining a team of world-class event management and marketing experts, we have the necessary team and the tools to ensure that your corporate finds the event to be a smash-hit success. We are a pre-eminent event company in Singapore, and strive to deliver you what’s simply the best.