What Kind of Events Are Popular in Singapore?

Singapore, a heaven for tourists, is an exciting city with a diverse culture. The attraction spot for tourists, the city boast of myriad celebration culture and heritage. Various events happening here, attract more customers. An Event Planner Singapore here takes the full charge, thus making the events a success every year. A sneak peeks at the celebration culture and style of Singapore.
Most Popular Events in Singapore:
Online Events
- St Jerome’s Laneway Festival: An Indie music event grew its popularity, as it spreads across a few other cities in Singapore. The festival attracts music lovers also the local crowd. Popularly known as Laneway festival, it’s mesmerizing the people for 6 years. Not just music, but even delicious food and booze is served on the platter. Can one ever afford a miss?
- Chingay Parade: Come February, and comes along the multi-faced culture of Asia, the Chin-gay Parade. An annual tradition boasts of largest street performance and float parade in Asia. Showcasing exquisite floats, dragons and lion dance, slit walkers along with other traditional performances, the parade allows tourists and citizens to showcase their talents.
Offline Events
- Conferences and Seminars: This can be renamed as a mini-education classroom as seminars play a vital role in educating the masses. It provides a global platform for the attendees to come together to share their work, research with others. The event presenter usually delivers the speech that turns out informative to the attendees.
- Trade Fairs and Exhibitions: Want to promote your brands? Well, such fairs and exhibitions are meant for the same. Companies participate in such events to expand their business and also improve their relationships with their customers. It also it acts as a platform for the companies who wish to launch their new brands if any.
- Food gathering: Such events can prove fruitful for small and large companies too. The attendees not only savor on food but also discuss professional topics, that help increase customer network. An anniversary event, small gathering too are the part of this event. After all, a way to anyone’s heart is through their stomach, isn’t it?
In this Digi age, online events are being held, and yes they prove fruitful too.
- Live Streaming can be fruitful for the companies having audience globally. This allows their customers to watch their events. Many companies are getting in this trend with social media, hangouts, webcam, chat options that can let them connect to their customers directly. A well-organized video crew is a must for the better quality of broadcasting.
- Virtual Events is another way to attract customers. This allows the participants from all over to join the room and interact. Upon signing, the participants can coordinate with each other, the staff and discuss their information with the others. Virtual awards like coupons or virtual items is a basic way to pull the audience to such events.
- Webinars: Webinars can either run-on-demand or in real time. Participants share information on a specific topic and interact via web-based conference tools and software. Each one is allowed 30-60 minutes only.
Now we know what makes this city most loved to the tourists! Many Event Management Singapore handles such events. MTM Events being one of those. Make sure you visit the site if you want a successful event output.