Different Types of Stage Layouts For Different Types of Events

The engagement factor within an event is perhaps the most basic yet crucial element. Regardless of whether you are setting up a business, preparing homeroom, facilitating a full-scale supper or item delivery, the game plan of the seating can have a significant effect. You have welcomed your crowd to impart a message, so it’s significant that your crowd is situated in the most ideal manner to accomplish the greatest effect for your message!
As the most renowned Event Planner Singapore, In this blog, we are featuring some of the most well-known seating styles so you can pick the best choice for your next event.
1) Graduation:
Commencement/Graduation Ceremonies need to accommodate quite a few people on the stage. Whether it’s a portable or built-in system, these events can take place on multiple different types of stages. In a gymnasium, for example, an End-Stage up against the wall is going to be used so that there’s enough space for audience members throughout the rest of the room. Proscenium Stages are also used in performing arts centers.
If the ceremony is happening outdoors, it will be considered as an open-air ceremony/concert or an open-air theatre. Basically, it just means that the event will be taking place outside.
2) Public Speaking:
For any event where only a few people will be on the stage and the primary entertainment is going to be a speech or people talking, a few different options can be used. Typically, you’ll see an End-Stage or Thrust Stage here that are positioned up against a wall. This is especially true when a portable stage is built in a space like a gymnasium or a cafeteria where these types of events can be common.
3) Concert:
There are a lot of different kinds of concerts that use different kinds of stages. Orchestras will typically perform in theatres or performing arts centers while rock or pop concerts can be on different types of stages, including Proscenium Stages. A lot of smaller venues will have either an End-Stage or Thrust Stage and arenas will typically have a Thrust Stage. For outdoor concerts like music festivals, these would be considered open-air concerts.
4) Theatre Production:
This is the least complex style, mirroring the seating found in a theater or film with seats adjusted in continuous straight columns. If you’re in a theatre or performing arts center for events ranging from musicals to theatre performances, it will probably be a Proscenium Stage since that’s what it usually in that type of space.
The portable seating and staging can be reconfigured for the layouts that best fits that specific production. In addition to End or Thrust layouts, a Theatre in the Round layout where the audience is completely surrounding the stage is sometimes used in black box theatres.
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Best Stage Layout Shapes For The Audience:
As the name proposes this style is looking like the letter U, with the tables and seats masterminded in an open-finished arrangement with the crowd confronting inwards.
– The open end takes into account a point of convergence or introduction area.
– It enables the moderator to approach and engage with the crowd in every corner.
– Audience collaboration/engagement is upgraded, with individuals confronting one another.
- Horse Shoe
This style is fundamentally the same as U Shape, in any case, there are no tables, just seats organized in an open-finished arrangement with the crowd facing inwards.
– The open end gives a point of convergence and takes into account an introduction area.
– It enables the moderator to approach and connect with every crowd part.
This style is like U Shape, nonetheless, there are four sides and no open end, with the crowd all confronting inwards.
– Audience cooperation completely upgraded, with crowd individuals all confronting one another.
– It allows the crowd to expend plated food and refreshment effectively.
This style is fundamentally the same as the Classroom, nonetheless, each continuous column of seats and tables is calculated inwards.
– All of the seats are angling internally towards the platform or podium.
– All of the seats are looking in the forward direction towards the capacity room.
As the most renowned Event Management Singapore, we at MTM Events have the perfect answer to all your event-related queries. Following thorough brainstorming sessions and innovative approach, our highly seasoned, dedicated and well-informed staff will provide you with all the necessary resources to meet the event requisites. We don’t just envision ourselves as service providers, rather our team approaches every planning project as your party co-hosts.