7 Tips on how to make your Next Dinner Event a ‘Zero Waste’ Affair

A dinner and dance in Singapore event is a lot of fun, for the guests and the host alike. But amidst all of that, we usually fail to realize the number of wasted resources that we are left within the end.
Being the leading party planning company in Singapore, below we are listing 7 crucial tips on how to make your next ‘dinner & dance’ event a ‘zero waste’ affair-
1. Prepare in advance: To avoid wastage of food and other resources, a precise estimate as to the number of guests must be made. Deliver your RSVPs well in advance to know how many guests you can expect.
For dinner parties at home, it’s advisable that you consume the items in your fridge and kitchen before buying anything else. Convey the same to the vendors/ suppliers ahead of time.
2. Go digital: While it’s cute to send those colorful pamphlets or brochures to hundreds of clients but remember that they are more likely to open their emails than opening those envelops lying in the letterbox.
Everyone uses the internet today. So using digital means for before during and after the event for various purposes will help you reduce the amount of waste produced by the dinner event.
3. Shop for Disposable utensils and decorative: Plastics cup are not only ‘not so eco-friendly’, in all honesty, but they are also boring. So why sabotage the appeal of your event with those generic plastic cups and flowers?
Some reputed vendors such as Vegware, Eco-Products, etc deliver adorable-looking, compostable serving items to your doorstep. Even decorative props such as garlands, flowers, or string lights should be made out of such material.
4. No shame in borrowing: You might have even forgotten about that new set of glassware your aunt gifted you, that’s just lying in the garage. Borrowing decoratives and props (such as lights, utensils, etc) from your friends and relatives is a moral deed.
Not only is it environmentally friendly, but also cost-friendly. There’s no point purchasing new plates and bowls for them to never see the light of day ever again.
5. Collaborate with the vendors: Meet with the venue staff ahead of time and let them know about your endeavors. The same can be conveyed to the vendors and service providers. A good venue host will welcome this change in operation.
Never should you feel shy of asking questions such as “How will the menu be served?”, or, “How do you dispose of the food that’s left?. Setting high standards for vendors is going to help you choose the perfect ones for the job.
6. Smart-serving food & drinks: “Zero waste policy” often takes a hit during this time of the event. So smart-serving is the way to go here. Simple tactics such as serving finger food, that too in reusable/recyclable cups will do you good.
When shopping for the event, bulk-purchasing can be avoided. You can also encourage the guests to bring along their own drinks, should they desire so.
7. The party farewell: Carpooling is not the coolest, but mighty important. How about you rent a party bus (or a limousine for the curb-appeal) to receive and drop-off your guests who reside locally?
Parting gifts cab be wrapped using colorful handkerchiefs or paper tissues instead of plastic wraps. You must also avoid the temptation of using fire-crackers for the grand finale, by instead ending the night with a lovely couple-dance routine.
Conclusion: MTM Events is your one-place destination or any party requirement in Singapore. As the leading Event Company in Singapore, our expert planners have professionally handled hundreds of events over the years. Contact us today and let us serve you with the most excellent party solutions that fall within the budget criteria yet make the whole ordeal a spectacular one.