6 Worst Advises that you must Ignore for your Next Party

Not every advice is necessarily good advice, especially when you are planning for your next special occasion. With that said, let’s just straight jump into the theme of “ 6 worst advises that you must ignore for your next party.”-
1. “Sending attractive invitation letters is a must”: Although you don’t need reminding, it’s almost 2020. What proportion of your guests do you think are going through their mailbox on a daily basis? Even if they do, chances of your invitation letters not going to the bin are pretty slim.
You just spent so much money having hundreds of pamphlets printed, all for your guests to have a single glance at it and forget? Instead, e-mailing your guests is not just efficient, cost-friendly, and time-saving, but the e-mails are also more likely to be read by your invitees in place of a physical invitation card.
2. “Who needs speakers? You’re gonna bore us”: Of course you understand that an office party/event needs a good speaker for it to be a success. But what about a friends-exclusive, nightlife, rocking get together? In all honesty, you still need a more than capable public speaker so as to arrange all the elements to perfection.
You still need a person to be able to engage with the audience, introduce the next act and make important announcements. So for these very reasons, a public speaker is a must, no matter the nature of your grand party.
3. “Leave it to the venue staff”: Never leave any minute details to the venue staff. Small things such as proper Wi-Fi connection, charging ports, or even the balloon colors might end up spoiling what could otherwise be a mesmerizing experience.
Each aspect of the party should be carefully described to the management staff well ahead of time. Make sure that you aren’t shot with any hidden costs, and especially that the balloon colors are to your liking.
4. “Any light/decoration/theme/personnel would do”: Never select prop or any party item if it doesn’t go with the agenda of your party. So say for a professional, formal office party, you’d be damaging your appreciation points by choosing those flashy neon lights and laser beams, etc.
Similarily, not just any generic DJ would do for a night-life event. What this basically means is that every prop must be in-line with what the party is supposed to be. So don’t purchase those overly-romantic candle-lights when planning for a corporate event.
5. “Lavish cuisine/drinks is a must”: “If you need to impress your guests, then it’s a universal rule to have truckloads of caviar with expensive wine in place of water.” said no one ever. But still, we feel that the aristocratic-looking menu will automatically ensure that the party is a smash-hit success.
That is not really the case, especially if the premise is for everyone to actually have a good time while dancing, playing games and doing all the wacky, party stuff. You’d be better off by having a light, colorful and a bit spicy menu in short amounts, with one signature drink for all your guests.
6. “You got this. No need to waste money on a planner”: While it’s noble of you to take the complete responsibility on your shoulders, it’s still better if you instead accept a helping hand. Not only is a professional planner experienced enough to help you out with choosing the right items, but they usually have good connections with vendors and suppliers too. This way, they can help you shrink the expenses, whilst having the expertise to ensure that everything is taken care of, without you facing the headache of making all the decisions.
Conclusion: MTM Events is your one-stop solutions for all your event-related requirements. Our team of highly trained, experienced and certified event planner in Singapore, will make sure that all you have to do is enjoy the event itself, without dealing with the burden of managing the whole ordeal, within your budget. The full range of our event planning expertise includes, but isn’t limited to –
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